Member Survey

We would like to hear your thoughts on what type of events you would be interested in attending.


Your New Association

  • Current As new Association, we wish to get our members and councillors involved in the running of our Association. We are reaching out see what interests you.
  • Would you like to get involved?
  • Your details
Questions 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Enjoy quizzes? This is for you
Discuss Conservative Party ideas and policies
A vintage bus tour, visiting a local pub for a drink and a meal
Golf events in and around Leicestershire
A chance to sample different restaurants with like-minded people
A chance to meet local members once a month
An evening meal with a chance to meet and ask questions
A chance for our Young Conservative Branch to meet up with people of their age group
Learning, teaching, and playing the card game of bridge.
Submit your favourite recipes and we publish a book.
Where 0 is 'Disagree Strongly' and 10 is 'Agree Strongly'. If you are using a phone, turn it on its side to see all of the answers.
2.4. Are you a member of Mid Leicestershire Conservatives?
2.5. If you are not a member, would you like to become a member?